Summer 2023

HWEA will be the organization of dedicated and knowledgeable professionals
recognized for preserving and enhancing the water environment in the Pacific Island Region.

Aloha All, I would like to thank everyone for the opportunity to serve as the PWO Representative. As part of the committee, Jeff Kafka will be taking on the responsibilities of the Vice Chair position. 

The 2023 Pacific Water Conference was the first in-person event we have had in a couple of years. Attendance was as expected as everyone was eager to participate and shake hands with fellow water professionals. One event missing during the conference was the Operations Challenge.

The Operations Challenge is a competition, where teams compete to earn the highest score in different events. Each team comprise of four members and often a coach and alternate. The events are designed to test the diverse skills required for the operation and maintenance of treatment facilities, collection systems and laboratories. The team with the highest overall score earns the opportunity to represent our HWEA Member Association at the corresponding WEFTEC Conference held later in the year. 

Following is the internet link to the WEFTEC Operations Challenge website:

The PWO Committee is also working to provide more relevant training sessions during the PWC Conferences in an effort to increase the participation. These sessions will include subject matters to include plant operations, maintenance and collections. 



Contact Info

Hawai‘i Water Environment Association
PO Box 2422
Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96804
General Inquiries: