
Speaker: Ms. Lori Kahikina, Director, Department of Environmental Services, City & County of Honolulu

Topic: Latest Issues that ENV is facing. Lori will discuss issues such as: Succession planning, Consent decree update (projects and spills), Blending, the One Water concept, Consultant accountability, Minimizing planning and design phases, Open communication between designers and operators, and any audience-generated issues.

Date/Time: Thursday, October 25, 2018, 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

Location: Dave & Busters, Pa’ina Hale (2nd floor)
1030 Auahi St., Honolulu, HI 96814

Cost: $20.00 (lunch buffet) checks payable to “HWEA” or cash at the door / $10.00 (students)
Mail check and reservation form to:
Hawaii Water Environment Association
c/o Lori Morikami
DOH Wastewater Branch
2827 Waimano Home Rd, #207
Pearl City, HI 96782
Or FAX form to: 586-4300
Please RSVP by noon on Monday, October 22, 2018 to
***No-shows will be billed***


Event Date 10-25-2018 11:30 am
Event End Date 10-25-2018 1:30 am
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price $20 (Lunch Buffet) / $10 (Students)

Mr. Jason Kagimoto, Ms. Dora Beck, and Mr. Eric Nakagawa Division Chiefs for Wastewater for Kauai, Hawaii, and Maui counties

Latest Issues that the county wastewater departments are facing.
Jason, Dora and Eric will discuss issues such as: current and upcoming projects and initiatives, future plans and needs, problems they are facing, water recycling, biosolids and any audience-generated issues.

Event Date 01-23-2019 11:30 am
Event End Date 01-23-2019 1:30 am
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price $20 (Lunch Buffet) / $10 (Students)

QuarterlyLuncheonAnnouncement 2019.07

Speaker: Richard DeGarmo, Hawaii Gas, Director of Renewable Energy & Capital Projects

Topic: Honouliuli WWTP Biogas Upgrading Facility. Hawaii Gas has constructed and is now operating a new high-tech biogas cleaning/purification facility at the Honouliuli WWTP. The facility produces pipeline quality biomethane from the raw biogas and injects it directly into the Hawaii Gas’ supply line that extends to Hawaii Kai. Hawaii Gas provided the capital and is responsible for operations of the facility, with no cost to the City. The project can generate approximately up to $130,000 per month for the city. This presentation will present the new biogas-cleaning technology and project economics.

Date/Time: Wednesday, July 10, 2019, 11:30 am to 1:15 pm

Location: Dave & Busters, Pa’ina Hale (2nd floor)
1030 Auahi St., Honolulu, HI 96814

Cost: $20.00 (lunch buffet)/ $10.00 (students)

Event Date 07-10-2019 11:30 am
Event End Date 07-10-2019 1:15 am
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price Varies on Selection

Registration temporarily closed.

Agenda: Officer Elections and Hawaii Sourced Storm Water Treatment Materials Presentation

Speaker: ???, Kennedy Jenks

Topic: Hawaii Sourced Storm Water Treatment Materials

With increasing focus on storm water quality across the country and Hawaii, storm water treatment is becoming a requirement to achieve extremely low regulated numerical effluent limits. Media filtration is a commonly used treatment technology. However, as one of the most geographically isolated locations in the world, Hawaii relies significantly on imported materials. Filter media with proven success are also imported, resulting in higher costs. Through a grant from HWEA, the research team identified 15 potential materials and evaluated them based on 9 criteria. Materials selected for evaluation were previously researched materials that may be sourced in Hawaii. The materials ranged from aggregates and organic materials to used products.

Cost: $20 members, $25 non-members, $10 students (Online registration and payment only) Lunch buffet included

Event Date 01-16-2020 11:30 am
Event End Date 01-16-2020 1:15 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Individual Price Varies on Selection

Registration temporarily closed.

Quarterly Luncheon April


Hawaii Cesspool Conversions


Ms. Sina Pruder,
Hawaii Department of Health, Wastewater Branch

Ms. Christin Reynolds,
One World, One Water

Location: Dave & Busters, Pa’ina Hale (2nd floor), 1030 Auahi St., Honolulu, HI 96814

Cost (includes lunch buffet): HWEA Members $35 / Non-HWEA Member $50 / Students $10, Registration info coming soon

Event Date 04-26-2022 11:30 am
Event End Date 04-26-2022 1:15 pm
Cut off date 04-19-2022 11:55 pm
Capacity 50
Available place 1
Individual Price Varies on Selection

Registration temporarily closed.