Spring 2022

HWEA will be the organization of dedicated and knowledgeable professionals
recognized for preserving and enhancing the water environment in the Pacific Island Region.

By: Alicia Suzuki, HWEA President

The Hawaii Water Environment Association and the American Water Works Association –  Hawaii Section 9th annual Pacific Water Conference (PWC) was a success. HWEA extends our warmest mahalo to the conference co-chairs Carly Kaneko, Brandon Uejo, and Troy Ching, the conference committee volunteers, and sponsors.
The conference committee planning is a year-long process with monthly meetings to bring you this fantastic experience.
PWC continues to highlight of our organization’s commitment to continue the tradition of bringing together the water and wastewater community. The conference was held virtually February 1-3, 2022.  The Publications Committee pulled off a user-friendly platform once again for virtual networking and learning opportunities. The 2022 PWC had a great turnout with 600 Attendees and 14 Exhibitors. 
The three-day conference had over 70 speakers. Those who attended sessions live could participate in the Q&A chat with the speakers and other attendees. With the virtual sessions available on-demand, attendees no longer miss a session overlapping with another. The virtual platform allows attendees to participate according to their own schedule. This is a great benefit to our dedicated Professional Wastewater Operators, who are hard at work during the normal conference hours.
The first conference day wrapped up with the virtual HWEA General Meeting. HWEA welcomed back WEF Past President Jacqueline Jarrell to our conference. We wish Jacqueline could have visited in person, but we are grateful that she could participate virtually.
The conference’s main program concluded with a live virtual End of Conference Social and Officer Installation Ceremony. Congratulations from HWEA 
to the following awardees!
o HWEA 5-S inductees: 
o Shelle Silva 
o Troy Ching
o 2022-2023 HWEA Board:
o Past-President Jon Baker
o President Alicia Suzuki
o Vice President Cari Ishida
o Treasurer Amanda Tanaka
o Secretary Brandon Uejo
o PWO Herman Ellis III
o WEF Delegate Kyle Yukumoto (2019-2022) / Audrey Haerle (2022-2025)
We are happy to announce that our annual community service event was at Hookuaina, a non-profit organization nestled in the ahupuaa of Kailua at Kapalai in Maunawili on the island of Oahu. Check out the feature article on the community service event for fun details.
Mahalo again to all our attendees, vendors, sponsors, and volunteers! We hope to see you all again next year!



Contact Info

Hawai‘i Water Environment Association
PO Box 2422
Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96804
General Inquiries: info@hwea.org